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Establish transformational leadership as a profession in New Zealand.


Make and take every opportunity to create transformational leadership practice in New Zealand.

Who We Are

Christine Rankin

Christine Rankin has been practising leadership all her working life and is an experienced CEO Board member and Chair. She considers her profession to be leadership.

She is the Managing Director of the Transformational Leadership Company and is passionate about enabling leaders and managers to transform their organisations. Christine attended a post graduate course at Stanford University studying Leading and Managing Change which consolidated her beliefs and practices.

Transformational leadership is key to the success of any organisation and is based on Vision. Getting this bit right is key to ongoing and outstanding success. In today’s environment retaining staff by creating a thriving exciting culture unique to your organisation where they
feel valued and committed is essential.

Strategic thinking and the implementation of a very straightforward vision and plan is key to operational success. Christine can help your organisation reach its ultimate potential.

Fi McKay

Fi is the CEO of Fi McKay Consult Ltd.

With over 35 years’ experience in labour force and executive leadership roles, Fi has developed a nationally award-winning programme and now specialises in Labour Force Planning, Modern Leadership, Staff Retention and Multi-Cultural Workforces.

Fi spent nine years as a Business Development Advisor in Skills, Attraction and Settlement for the Dunedin City Council before taking a lead role in skilled staff retention with MBIE across Otago and Southland.

She was the Regional Lead for the Otago Regional Skills Leadership Group and established the original Otago and Southland groups for government in response to COVID 19.

Fi operationalises strategic leadership concepts and ensures the skills and knowledge learned by leaders is embedded within organisations.

We want to see New Zealanders wear the mantle of leadership with pride enabling our businesses and industry to thrive. Christine Rankin and Fi McKay offer an extensive business training curriculum. Our training programmes, workshops and professional development sessions are designed with a strong practical application to provide businesses, managers, leaders, individuals, and teams with the skills to achieve their business and life goals, develop personal skills and improve performance, productivity, and effectiveness.


New Zealand has long underestimated the power of Leadership particularly Transformational Leadership.

Both Christine and Fi have learned practised and shared this totally empowering process.

There is a recipe and if you follow it, it will change your business and the people in it forever.

We will help you to create an environment where your staff will love coming to work every day and in today’s extremely challenging workforce scenario this will give you a very real competitive advantage.

What We Offer


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